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Less Definition & Meaning

1. Less means a smaller amount or degree than something else.

Example: I have less money than my friend.

2. Less can also mean not as much or not as many as before.

Example: There were less people at the party than expected.

3. Less can be used to indicate a subtraction or reduction.

Example: I need to eat less sugar to be healthier.

4. Less can refer to a comparative degree of a quality.

Example: She is less confident than her sister.

5. Less can be used to express a negative comparison.

Example: This dress is less flattering than the one i tried on yesterday.

Examples of the word less used in sentences.

  • The doctor told me to eat less junk food for a healthier lifestyle.
  • He has less experience than her in programming.
  • I need less sugar in my coffee, please.
  • I want to spend less money on clothes this month.
  • Can you speak a little less loudly, please?
  • I paid less for this shirt because it was on sale.
  • I feel less tired after getting eight hours of sleep.
  • We have less time to complete this project than we thought.
  • My brother is less talkative than I am, but he's a great listener.
  • We should eat less junk food and more fruits and vegetables.
  • It's less likely for you to get lost if you bring a map. (Travel)
  • You can spend less money on clothes if you shop during sales. (Finance)
  • I feel less stressed after taking a walk in the park. (Mental health)
  • I should eat less junk food if I want to be healthier. (Health)
  • Don't talk less to your friends just because you're busy. (Social relationships)
  • John decided to go for a smaller car as he realized he needed less space than he initially thought.
  • Compared to its predecessor, this new model has less power but is more fuel efficient.
  • Despite his hard work, Tom earned less money than his colleagues in the same position.
  • The new policy aims to encourage less waste and more sustainable practices in the company.
  • Taking breaks during work can actually lead to less fatigue and better productivity.
  • After going through a breakup, Sarah found herself less interested in socializing with her friends.
  • The new regulations resulted in less flexibility for small businesses.
  • The doctor recommended that the patient consume less sugar to improve their health.
  • Despite working longer hours, the manager felt less fulfilled in their job.
  • The company's profits were less than anticipated due to unexpected expenses.
  • Many people believe that the current political climate has led to less civility and bipartisanship in government, causing frustration and disillusionment among voters.
  • As I've grown older and gained more life experience, I've come to realize that material possessions are often less important than relationships and a sense of purpose.
  • Despite her impressive resume, there was less enthusiasm among the hiring committee about hiring her due to some concerns over her previous performance.
  • I've become less enamored with social media lately, preferring to spend my free time reading or hiking instead.
  • The weather forecast indicates that there will be less rainfall in the coming weeks, which is a relief for those who live in areas prone to flooding.
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