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Letter Definition & Meaning

1. A written or printed communication addressed to a person or organization.

Example: I received a letter from my friend who lives in australia.

2. A character or symbol representing a sound in a language.

Example: The letter "a" is the first letter of the alphabet.

3. A message or document conveying information or news.

Example: The ceo sent a letter to all employees announcing the company's new policy.

4. A piece of mail, usually in an envelope, sent through a postal service.

Example: I need to send a letter to my grandmother for her birthday.

5. A written or printed message used as evidence or proof of something.

Example: The lawyer presented a letter from the witness as evidence in court.

Examples of the word letter used in sentences.

  • My little brother is learning to read and write, so I helped him practice by writing a letter to his favorite superhero.
  • My mother wrote a letter to my teacher to discuss my academic progress.
  • I received a letter from my friend who lives in another country.
  • I need to send a letter to the bank to inquire about my account balance.
  • Can you help me write a formal letter of apology to my boss for being late to work?
  • I want to write a letter to my grandmother to thank her for the birthday gift.
  • In the letter, the company apologised for the delay in shipping my order.
  • I received a letter from my old friend yesterday.
  • Could you please send a letter to your landlord about the broken window?
  • The job application requires a cover letter and a resume.
  • The company sent me a letter requesting an interview for the job I applied for.
  • My grandmother wrote me a heartfelt letter for my birthday.
  • Can you please help me proofread this letter I'm sending to my boss?
  • I'm terrible at writing handwritten letters, so I usually stick to emails and texts.
  • I received a letter of acceptance from the university I applied to.
  • In order to confirm their attendance, guests were asked to reply with a letter to the wedding invitation.
  • Despite their busy schedule, they made sure to send a heartfelt letter to their grandparents on their anniversary.
  • She eagerly awaited the arrival of the acceptance letter from her dream university.
  • Reading the love letter from her partner made her heart skip a beat.
  • The company received a strongly-worded letter from the employee, demanding better working conditions.
  • The company's announcement came in the form of a letter addressed to all employees, outlining the changes that would be taking place in the coming months. (business communication)
  • As much as I love technology and the convenience it provides, there's something irreplaceable about the sound of the mailman dropping off a letter - it's a reminder of a world where things moved at a slower pace. (technology and nostalgia)
  • As a writer and avid reader, I find something almost sacred in the act of putting pen to paper and crafting a letter that will be treasured by its recipient. (literature and creativity)
  • After weeks of waiting for a reply, the young woman received a letter from the university stating that she had been accepted into their Master's program. (education and achievement)
  • Despite numerous attempts to digitize correspondence, receiving a handwritten letter still carries a unique sense of intimacy and connection. (personal communication)
  • Despite being busy with work, he made it a point to write a letter to his old friend, catching up on their lives and reminiscing about old times.
  • The heartfelt letter she wrote to her grandmother expressed her deep gratitude for all that she had done for her over the years.
  • After receiving the letter from the university, he felt a wave of relief wash over him, knowing that he had been accepted for the graduate program.
  • The legal firm sent a strongly worded letter to their former employee, warning of legal action if he continued to disclose confidential information.
  • A handwritten letter from her late husband, discovered in a long-forgotten drawer, brought tears to her eyes as she read the tender words of love and affection.
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