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Map Definition & Meaning

1. A visual representation of an area or region, typically showing geographical features, roads, and landmarks.

Example: I used a map to navigate my way through the city.

2. A diagram or chart that shows the relationships between different elements or components.

Example: We created a map of our project plan to help us stay organized.

3. To plan or strategize something in detail.

Example: We need to map out our marketing strategy for the next quarter.

4. To record or document something systematically.

Example: The researchers mapped the distribution of the species across the region.

5. To match or compare something to a similar thing or concept.

Example: We can map the structure of this new molecule to that of a known compound.

Examples of the word map used in sentences.

  • Can you please show me how to read this map?
  • We need a map to plan our road trip across the country.
  • The map on my phone has a GPS function that helps me get to my destination.
  • I use a map to find my way around the city.
  • I drew a map of my neighborhood for my friend visiting from out of town.
  • 4) The map has helpful symbols to easily find tourist spots.
  • 3) We need to consult the map before starting the hiking trail.
  • 5) My grandfather used to collect antique maps from around the world.
  • 1) Can you please give me a map of the city center?
  • 2) I always get lost while driving without a map.
  • The teacher used a map to show the location of different countries and their capitals in geography class.
  • Google Maps is my go-to app for directions when driving to a new destination.
  • I always carry a map with me when hiking in the mountains to ensure I don't get lost.
  • After studying the map of the city, I decided to take a shortcut through the park to get to the museum faster.
  • When traveling to a new city, having a map is essential to navigate the streets.
  • The treasure hunt wouldn't be complete without a good old-fashioned map to lead the way.
  • In order to successfully complete the hiking trail, it's important to have a detailed map of the area.
  • I'm not very good at reading maps, but luckily my friend is an expert navigator.
  • Can you please hand me the roadmap so I can figure out the best route to take?
  • The map is a useful tool when exploring a new city for the first time.
  • My grandmother has a special talent for reading maps and giving directions, even without the help of GPS technology.
  • As an experienced hiker, I always carry a detailed map of the terrain I'm about to explore.
  • Elon Musk's ambitious plan to map out the entire human brain could revolutionize the field of neuroscience.
  • The city council's new zoning map has been the source of controversy and heated debate among local residents and business owners.
  • This interactive map allows users to explore the interconnectedness of different global economies and their trade relationships.
  • The archeologists used the map to locate the ancient ruins and uncover valuable historical artifacts.
  • The intricate map of the city's streets provided me with the necessary information to avoid traffic and reach my destination on time.
  • The treasure hunters meticulously studied the map to locate the rumored hidden treasure and successfully retrieved the loot.
  • The topographic map provided intricate details about the terrain and helped us navigate through our hiking trail with ease.
  • In order to expand our business overseas, we needed to create a comprehensive market map to identify potential consumers and target countries.
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