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None Definition & Meaning

1. None means not any or not one.

Example: There are none left in the store.

2. None can also mean nothing or no part.

Example: None of the pie was left.

3. None can be used to indicate the absence of something.

Example: There was none of the usual traffic on the road.

4. None can be used to mean no one or nobody.

Example: None of the guests arrived on time.

5. None can also be used to mean not at all or in no way.

Example: None of the arguments made sense to me.

Examples of the word none used in sentences.

  • None of the stores are open this early in the morning.
  • I have none of the ingredients needed to make this recipe.
  • None of the children were interested in playing with the new toy.
  • None of the students in the class spoke the same language.
  • She ate none of the vegetables on her plate.
  • I'm sorry, but there is none left in stock.
  • The restaurant had none of my favorite dishes left.
  • I have none of the ingredients to make this recipe.
  • None of my friends could come to the party.
  • None of the stores in town sell organic vegetables.
  • I have none of the necessary skills for a job in IT.
  • None of the candidates in the election had a clear majority, so a second round of voting is necessary.
  • None of the restaurants in this area serve vegan food.
  • None of my friends were able to come to my party last night.
  • I wanted to invite him to the wedding, but none of us knew his contact information.
  • The teacher asked the class if they had any questions about the lesson, but none of the students raised their hand.
  • I searched high and low for my lost keys, but none of the usual places yielded any results.
  • Although the movie received rave reviews, I found it incredibly boring and entertaining none.
  • None of the applicants met the job requirements, so the company had to extend the hiring process.
  • Despite having several options for dinner, I chose to eat none of them and ordered takeout instead.
  • I asked for their opinion on the matter, but none of them seemed to have any strong views.
  • The restaurant had run out of vegetarian options, so I opted for none at all.
  • None of the books in the library seemed to address the specific research question I had in mind.
  • Despite my efforts, none of my attempts to fix the issue were successful.
  • None of the candidates for the position seemed to have the required experience and skills.
  • The team couldn't agree on a clear winner, as none of the presented ideas seemed to fully satisfy everyone.
  • None of the participants in the study were aware of the true purpose of the experiment.
  • In the realm of medicine, the concept of "cure-all" remedies is none but a myth.
  • Despite her extensive travels, there was none quite like the stunningly scenic tour of the Swiss Alps.
  • As a result of the pandemic, there were none of the usual crowds in the streets during the annual parade.
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