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Parallel Definition & Meaning

1. (adjective) two lines or planes that are always the same distance apart and never meet.

Example: The railroad tracks run parallel to each other.

2. (noun) a comparison between two things that are similar or have similarities.

Example: The parallel between the two novels is their focus on social injustice.

3. (verb) to be similar or comparable to something else.

Example: Her experiences parallel those of her mother.

4. (adverb) happening at the same time or in a similar way.

Example: The two events occurred parallel to each other.

5. (adjective) describing a computer processing technique where multiple tasks are executed simultaneously.

Example: The computer's parallel processing capabilities allowed it to complete the task quickly.

Examples of the word parallel used in sentences.

  • The two books have parallel storylines.
  • The two roads run parallel to each other.
  • The two friends always seem to be thinking in parallel.
  • The train tracks are parallel to the highway.
  • The lines on the paper are perfectly parallel.
  • The train tracks run in parallel lines.
  • The two roads run parallel to each other for miles.
  • The two friends have parallel interests in movies and music.
  • Her career and personal life seem to be parallel to each other.
  • The teacher drew parallel lines on the board to help explain the geometry lesson.
  • The athlete's training regimen included parallel exercises to strengthen both sides of their body.
  • The teacher drew parallel lines on the board to explain the concept of geometry to the students.
  • The company is developing a parallel project to ensure the safety of their products.
  • The author's novel explores parallel universes and the concept of multiple realities.
  • The two streets run parallel to each other, making it easy to navigate through the city.
  • In order to ensure a successful project outcome, it is important to maintain parallel lines of communication between all team members.
  • In scientific research, it is often necessary to run parallel experiments to confirm the accuracy of the results.
  • The rise of the internet has allowed for the parallel development of both global communication and cybercrime.
  • When describing complex ideas or processes, it can be helpful to use parallel examples to help illustrate your point.
  • The parallel lines of the railroad tracks stretched out as far as the eye could see.
  • The construction workers meticulously measured every angle to ensure that the walls were parallel to each other.
  • The parallel lines on the graph represent two different scenarios for the company's growth.
  • The teacher drew a parallel between the protagonist's struggles in the novel and real-life hardships.
  • In order to succeed in this project, we need to work in parallel to achieve our goals on time.
  • The two novels have parallel themes of loss and redemption, despite being written by different authors.
  • His goals and aspirations were in parallel with his values and principles.
  • The two storylines in the novel were running in parallel and eventually converged into one.
  • The parallel lines on the graph indicate a direct correlation between the two variables.
  • The company decided to run parallel experiments to test the effectiveness of their new product.
  • To achieve success, one must have a parallel focus on both personal and professional development.
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