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Picture Definition & Meaning

1. A visual representation of something or someone, usually created through drawing, painting, or photography.

Example: I love taking pictures of sunsets.

2. A mental image or idea formed in one's mind.

Example: Can you picture yourself living in a beach house?

3. A description or depiction of something in words.

Example: The article painted a vivid picture of life in the city.

4. A graphic or diagram used to illustrate or explain something.

Example: The teacher used a picture to explain the water cycle.

5. A situation or scenario that is easy to imagine or understand.

Example: It's easy to picture chaos at the airport during the holiday season.

Examples of the word picture used in sentences.

  • I love to draw pictures of animals in my notebook.
  • She posted a picture of her dinner on social media.
  • This is a picture of my family on vacation.
  • The picture on the wall is very beautiful.
  • Can you take a picture of me and my friends?
  • This picture of a mountain range is so breathtaking!
  • I am trying to draw a picture of my grandmother from memory.
  • I have a picture of my dog on my phone as my wallpaper.
  • Can you take my picture with the Statue of Liberty in the background?
  • My sister took a picture of the sunset from the beach.
  • The picture on the front cover of the book caught my attention and made me want to read it.
  • My mother has a picture of our family from when we went on vacation last year.
  • I always like to take a picture of the sunset when I visit the beach.
  • The painting in the gallery was a beautiful picture of the countryside.
  • Can you send me a picture of your new puppy?
  • The artist's use of light and shadow in his picture created a sense of depth and dimension.
  • I always make sure to take a picture of my family every year during our annual vacation.
  • The picture of the crime scene was the key piece of evidence in solving the case.
  • Looking at the picture of my childhood home always brings back fond memories.
  • The picture on the wall caught my attention immediately with its vibrant colors and intricate details.
  • The old photograph hanging on the wall brings back memories and paints a vivid picture of my childhood.
  • The artist's abstract painting left many wondering what picture he was trying to convey.
  • It's always fascinating to learn about the cultural significance behind a picture or artwork.
  • Despite the language barrier, the picture on the menu provided a clear understanding of what I ordered.
  • As a doctor, I always try to paint a clear picture of the treatment process for my patients.
  • As a professional photographer, he always ensured that every picture he took effectively conveyed his subject's raw emotions and story.
  • Although the portrait was a beautiful picture of his wife, he could not help but notice how much she had aged since he last sat down to paint her.
  • The abstract picture he had created for the exhibit was a complex web of interwoven colors and shapes that stunned and baffled viewers in equal measure.
  • The picture hanging above the mantel was a stunning portrayal of a serene mountain lake at sunset.
  • Despite being diagnosed with a degenerative eye disease, she refused to let her passion for painting pictures of her travels and adventures fade away.
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