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Player Definition & Meaning

1. A person who participates in a game or sport.

Example: John is a skilled basketball player.

2. A person who engages in romantic relationships with multiple partners at the same time.

Example: Sarah is known for being a player, she's always dating multiple people.

3. A person who is skilled or experienced in a particular activity or field.

Example: Jane is a player in the marketing industry, she knows all the tricks of the trade.

4. A person who performs music on an instrument or sings.

Example: The band's lead player is a talented guitarist.

5. A person who manipulates or uses others for their own gain.

Example: The ceo was known for being a player, always looking for ways to benefit himself at the expense of his employees.

Examples of the word player used in sentences.

  • He is a video game player and enjoys playing games online with his friends.
  • The tennis player hit the ball hard, and it landed on the other side of the court.
  • I am a player, and I love playing football with my friends.
  • The basketball player scored the winning point in the last second of the game.
  • She is a talented piano player and can play many famous songs beautifully.
  • The tennis player won the championship after a tough match against her opponent.
  • John is a talented guitar player and will be performing at the concert tonight.
  • I am not a professional player, but I enjoy playing video games in my free time.
  • As a team player, Sarah always helps her colleagues to finish work on time.
  • The basketball player scored the winning shot in the final seconds of the game.
  • Playing a musical instrument requires patience and skills, but with practice, anyone can become a great player.
  • As a professional player, he has competed in three different countries.
  • The new gaming console has a lot of exciting features that every player would love.
  • The soccer player was injured during the match and had to be substituted.
  • The team coach was very impressed with the player's performance during the game.
  • The musician's unique style makes him a standout player in the jazz community.
  • The team's star player suffered a season-ending injury during the playoffs.
  • The basketball player was ecstatic after making the game-winning shot in the final seconds.
  • As a skilled player, she quickly rose to the top of the leaderboard in the online game.
  • The chess player carefully considered each move before making a decision.
  • As a seasoned player, he knew how to manipulate the game's mechanics to his advantage.
  • The video game player was completely engrossed in the virtual world, oblivious to his surroundings.
  • The chess player scrutinized the board with unwavering intensity, carefully weighing each move.
  • The soccer player was lauded for her exceptional speed and accuracy on the field.
  • A skilled player of both piano and guitar, he often entertained guests with his music.
  • The game between the two chess players was intense, and it was difficult to predict who would come out as the winner.
  • After years of experience on the stock market, John had become a shrewd player who knew when to take risks and when to hold back.
  • In politics, successful players understand the importance of building alliances and maintaining good relationships with colleagues.
  • The orchestra's principal violinist was such a skilled player that his solos never failed to captivate the audience.
  • As a professional soccer player, Cristiano Ronaldo has broken numerous records throughout his career.
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