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Powerful Definition & Meaning

1. Having great strength or force.

Example: The hurricane was so powerful that it destroyed entire towns.

2. Having great influence or control.

Example: The ceo of the company is a powerful figure who makes all the major decisions.

3. Capable of producing a strong effect or impact.

Example: The speech was powerful and moved many people to tears.

4. Possessing a high level of ability or skill.

Example: The athlete is known for his powerful legs and impressive speed.

5. Having a strong or intense emotional impact.

Example: The movie had a powerful ending that left the audience feeling moved and inspired.

Examples of the word powerful used in sentences.

  • The athlete had very powerful legs that helped him run faster than his opponents.
  • The hurricane was very powerful and caused a lot of damage to the town.
  • She ate a powerful breakfast to give her energy for the long day ahead.
  • The magician had a powerful magic wand that could make anything disappear.
  • The medicine was powerful enough to cure his headache in just a few minutes.
  • The hurricane was so powerful that it destroyed many homes.
  • The medicine was powerful enough to cure the disease in just a few days.
  • The CEO is known for his powerful leadership skills and ability to make tough decisions.
  • The new smartphone has a powerful battery that lasts all day.
  • The athlete has a powerful kick that can send the ball flying across the field.
  • The speaker's powerful voice commanded the attention of the entire audience during the conference.
  • The new smartphone has a powerful processor that allows for seamless multitasking.
  • The medicine proved to be powerful enough to alleviate even the most severe symptoms of the illness.
  • The athlete's powerful throw broke the record for distance achieved in shot put.
  • The documentary exposed the powerful influence that large corporations have on government policies.
  • The king's army was defeated by the enemy's powerful artillery.
  • Her speech was so powerful that it left a long-lasting impression on the audience.
  • Despite its small size, this computer has a very powerful processor.
  • A powerful earthquake shook the entire city, causing significant damage to buildings and infrastructure.
  • The powerful aroma of fresh coffee filled the air, making it difficult to resist a cup.
  • The powerful medicine relieved her pain instantly, making her feel like a new person.
  • His powerful intellect allowed him to solve complex problems with ease.
  • A powerful gust of wind knocked down several trees during the storm.
  • The powerful sound system at the concert left everyone in awe.
  • The powerful leaders of that country wielded a great deal of influence over the region.
  • The powerful engine of the car allowed it to reach top speeds in no time.
  • The powerful message of the speech inspired the audience to take action.
  • The athlete's powerful performance earned them a well-deserved medal.
  • The company's powerful marketing strategy resulted in a significant increase in sales.
  • The powerful imagery in the novel left a lasting impression on the reader.
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