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Practically Definition & Meaning

1. Almost; nearly; in effect.

Example: Practically everyone in the office is going to the party tonight.

2. In a practical manner; realistically.

Example: We need to approach this problem practically, not just with wishful thinking.

3. Virtually; essentially; fundamentally.

Example: The two cars are practically identical in every way.

4. With regard to practical matters; in terms of practicality.

Example: The new system is much more practically efficient than the old one.

5. In a manner that relates to actual experience or practice.

Example: She is practically an expert in the field, having worked in it for over 10 years.

Examples of the word practically used in sentences.

  • Practically every day, I walk my dog in the park.
  • The restaurant has practically no vegetarian options on the menu.
  • I practically live at the gym since I started my fitness journey.
  • She practically begged me to go to the cinema with her.
  • It's practically impossible to finish this assignment by tomorrow.
  • It practically rained every day during our vacation.
  • I've been practicing so much that I'm practically a pro now.
  • The new job is practically perfect for me.
  • The house is practically empty after they moved out.
  • I practically live in the library during exam season.
  • Practically speaking, it's best to arrive at the movie theater at least 20 minutes before the film starts.
  • After the rainstorm, the roads were so slick that driving at anything over 20 miles an hour was practically impossible.
  • Practically everyone in my family loves spicy food, except for my younger brother who can't handle any heat.
  • When shopping for a new car, it's practically essential to do your research and compare prices before making a purchase.
  • Although it can be challenging, with some practice you can practically master any instrument.
  • The new policy will have practically no effect on our daily operations.
  • The advanced technology used in this car practically eliminates the need for frequent maintenance.
  • Despite her busy schedule, she manages to be practically perfect in every way.
  • With the proper training and equipment, anyone can become practically invincible in combat.
  • His impeccable attention to detail practically guarantees his success in any project he takes on.
  • "The new accounting software has been a huge help - it's practically cut our bookkeeping time in half."
  • "I've been practicing yoga for years, and I'm practically a pro at it now."
  • "I've been studying French for so long that I practically dream in the language at this point."
  • "With the amount of rain we've been getting lately, it's practically impossible to keep the garden in good condition."
  • "I know that the idea of public speaking can be scary, but after you've done it a few times it becomes practically second nature."
  • Practically speaking, it is impossible to solve this complex mathematical equation without using advanced algorithms.
  • With the advent of technology, people can now practically visit any place in the world from the comfort of their homes.
  • The new restaurant in town has practically become an overnight sensation, attracting food lovers from all over the city.
  • The stock market has practically reached its peak, and investors are advised to exercise caution before making any further investments.
  • After years of practice, he has practically mastered the art of playing the violin.
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