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Previous Definition & Meaning

1. Happening or existing before the present time or event.

Example: I met him at the party last night, but we had a previous encounter at the coffee shop.

2. Coming or occurring before in order or importance.

Example: The previous chapter of the book was difficult to understand.

3. Having been in a particular position or job before.

Example: The previous ceo of the company retired last year.

4. Referring to something that has already been mentioned or discussed.

Example: As mentioned in the previous email, the meeting has been rescheduled.

5. Relating to a time or period before a particular event or occurrence.

Example: The previous year's sales figures were much higher than this year's.

Examples of the word previous used in sentences.

  • The previous owners of this house had a beautiful garden.
  • I had some difficulties with the previous project, but I learned from my mistakes.
  • I forgot my umbrella at the previous station, so I had to buy a new one.
  • My previous boss was very strict, but my current boss is more relaxed.
  • I visited this city previous year during summer vacation.
  • The restaurant's previous menu was more diverse than the current one.
  • The previous owner of the house left behind some furniture.
  • Yesterday's meeting was cancelled due to the previous speaker's absence.
  • I need to review my previous notes before taking this exam.
  • I took the same route as my previous trip to the museum.
  • The previous owners of the house left behind some furniture that we still use.
  • He apologized for his previous behavior and promised to do better in the future.
  • In my previous job, I worked in a completely different industry.
  • The previous night's storm caused some damage to the roof of the building.
  • After reading the previous chapter, I had a better understanding of the main character's motivations.
  • The teacher reviewed the previous lesson before delving into the new one.
  • Despite her previous experience in managing a team, she struggled to handle the current one.
  • After her previous relationship ended badly, she was hesitant to start dating again.
  • The company's previous financial year was a huge success, but things took a downturn in the current one.
  • The previous owner of the house had neglected its maintenance, leading to several issues down the line.
  • Despite his previous experience, the engineer was challenged by the complex design of the new product.
  • After conducting a thorough analysis, it was evident that the previous marketing strategy had little impact on the company's bottom line.
  • The company's previous attempts to enter the international market failed due to a lack of cultural sensitivity and understanding.
  • The new director promised to bring fresh ideas and innovative solutions to the company's previous bureaucratic structure.
  • The previous owner of the house left behind a collection of antique furniture, which added character and charm to the space.
  • After perusing my previous work, my supervisor was confident in my ability to tackle more complex projects.
  • The dress was a bit snug around the waistline, but the previous size was too large for me.
  • My previous employer offered me a promotion, but I turned it down to pursue a more fulfilling career path.
  • As an avid reader, I always make sure to check for previous editions of a book before purchasing the latest.
  • Despite the previous setbacks, we managed to successfully complete the construction project ahead of schedule.
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