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Proportion Definition & Meaning

1. Proportion refers to the relationship between different parts of a whole, or the comparative size of different things. for example, the proportion of men to women in the room was roughly equal.


2. Proportion can also refer to the proper or harmonious balance of different elements. for example, the artist carefully considered the proportion of light and shadow in her painting.


3. In mathematics, proportion refers to the relationship between two or more quantities that are equal or in a constant ratio. for example, if a:b = c:d, then a and b are in proportion to c and d.


4. Proportion can also refer to the size or scale of something in relation to its surroundings or context. for example, the skyscraper towered over the other buildings, dwarfing them in proportion.


5. Proportion can also refer to the amount or degree of something in relation to a larger whole or standard. for example, the proportion of students who passed the exam was higher than expected.


Examples of the word proportion used in sentences.

  • The proportion of vegetables on my plate is larger than the proportion of meat.
  • The proportion of elderly people in the population is increasing.
  • The proportion of sugar in the recipe was too high, making the cake too sweet.
  • The proportion of people who exercise daily is low in this city.
  • The proportion of boys and girls in the class is equal.
  • The proportion of water to milk in this recipe is crucial to its success.
  • The proportion of sugar in this cake is just right, not too much nor too little.
  • The proportion of students who passed the exam was higher than expected.
  • The proportion of crime in this neighborhood has decreased in the last few months.
  • The proportion of men and women in the workplace is becoming more balanced each year.
  • The proportion of students who passed the exam in our class is higher than the previous year.
  • The money donated by the company will be distributed among the needy in proportion to their requirements.
  • The ingredients for the recipe need to be added in the correct proportion to create the perfect dish.
  • The proportion of women in high-level management positions needs to increase to reflect gender equality.
  • The proportion of elderly people in the city has increased due to the decrease in birth rates.
  • The proportion of carbon emissions produced by vehicles on the road is a major contributor to global warming.
  • The proportion of the budget allocated for marketing campaigns has decreased due to the rising costs of production.
  • The proportion of males to females in the workforce has steadily increased over the past decade.
  • The proportion of students who completed the project on time was significantly higher than those who didn't.
  • In order to maintain a healthy diet, it's important to have a good proportion of fruits and vegetables in your meals.
  • The proportion of calories and nutrients in this particular food item is ideal for a healthy diet.
  • The proportion of trees in the forest affected by deforestation is alarming.
  • The proportion of crime rate in the city has significantly decreased after the implementation of strict laws.
  • We need to ensure that the proportion of male and female employees is balanced in our company.
  • The proportion of young people opting for higher education has increased in recent years.
  • The proportion of individuals suffering from mental health disorders skyrocketed during the pandemic.
  • We need to ensure that the proportion of renewable energy sources in our energy mix increases.
  • The proportion of fraudulent activities in the banking sector is alarming.
  • The proportion of minorities in top management positions is still disappointingly low.
  • The proportion of students who achieve academic excellence despite socioeconomic barriers is a testament to their grit and resilience.
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