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Rather Definition & Meaning

1. To prefer one thing over another; to choose something instead of something else.

Example: I would rather have pizza than sushi for dinner tonight.

2. To indicate a degree of preference or inclination towards something.

Example: I'd rather stay home and read a book than go out to a party.

3. To express a degree of hesitation or uncertainty.

Example: I'm rather unsure about whether or not i should take this job offer.

4. To indicate a preference for a particular alternative.

Example: I'd rather take the scenic route than the highway.

5. To express surprise or disbelief.

Example: I was rather surprised to learn that she had never been to new york city before.

Examples of the word rather used in sentences.

  • He would rather stay home and watch a movie than go out tonight.
  • I am rather tired after playing for hours in the park.
  • I would rather drink tea than coffee in the morning.
  • She is rather shy and doesn't talk to new people easily.
  • The weather is rather cold today, I should wear a jacket outside.
  • The movie was rather boring, but the special effects were amazing.
  • I would rather go for a walk in the park than stay indoors all day.
  • Sarah is rather shy, so it takes time for her to make new friends.
  • I am rather hungry, so let's order some pizza for dinner.
  • I would rather take the train than drive to work every day because it's less stressful.
  • 5) It's rather difficult to work with so much noise in the background.
  • 1) I'd rather have a cup of tea than coffee.
  • 4) She'd rather stay indoors than go out in rainy weather.
  • 3) I'd rather walk to the park than take the bus.
  • 2) He was rather upset when he heard the news.
  • He chose to walk rather than take a bus to enjoy the scenic route.
  • Rather than arguing, let's find a solution to this problem together.
  • I'd rather be late than arrive unprepared for the meeting.
  • I would rather have a challenging job that pays well than a boring one with a high salary.
  • I would rather spend my weekends reading a book than going out to party.
  • Rather than spending money on expensive clothes, I prefer to invest in experiences.
  • I would rather be honest with my friends and risk upsetting them, rather than lying and damaging our relationship.
  • While some people prefer to work in teams, I rather work independently to achieve my goals.
  • I would rather read a book than watch television late at night.
  • Despite the hot weather, I would rather jog outside rather than in a stuffy gym.
  • I would rather invest in experiences than material possessions as they bring more happiness.
  • Rather than taking the elevator, I prefer to climb up the stairs to stay active.
  • I would rather be honest and risk losing a friend than be deceitful.
  • Although it is rather challenging, I am determined to finish this project within the deadline.
  • Rather than dwelling on the past, I choose to focus on my present and work towards a better future.
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