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Reader Definition & Meaning

1. A person who reads books, newspapers, or other written material.

Example: The avid reader spent hours every day with his nose buried in a novel.

2. A device or software that displays digital text.

Example: The kindle reader is a popular choice for those who prefer to read e-books.

3. A person who interprets or analyzes written material.

Example: The literary critic was known for being a discerning reader of contemporary fiction.

4. A machine that reads and records data, such as a barcode reader or a credit card reader.

Example: The cashier scanned the item with the barcode reader to determine the price.

5. A person who subscribes to a publication or follows a blog or website.

Example: The loyal reader of the fashion blog eagerly awaited each new post.

Examples of the word reader used in sentences.

  • The reader of this book will find it interesting and informative.
  • As a reader, I enjoy learning new things and improving my knowledge.
  • She is an avid reader who spends hours every day reading books.
  • I am a reader, and I love reading adventure stories.
  • The reader's main objective is to understand the message conveyed in the text.
  • As a reader, I can't put down this book!
  • The online article was written to appeal to readers of all ages.
  • The teacher took the time to explain the story to the struggling reader.
  • If you're a reader, you'll love our library's vast book collection.
  • The newspaper is a great resource for readers to get the latest news.
  • A critical reader will question the validity of the sources before accepting any information as true.
  • As an avid reader, I try to finish at least one book a week.
  • The newspaper has a large number of loyal readers who rely on its reporting.
  • The library is the perfect place to find books that appeal to readers of all ages.
  • The author's writing style captivates the reader and leaves them wanting more.
  • A good writer knows how to captivate the reader and hold their attention until the very end.
  • Thanks to e-readers, it's easier now than ever before to carry an entire library's worth of books with you wherever you go.
  • The author's use of vivid imagery and descriptive language transported the reader to a different time and place.
  • Despite the rise of digital media, there will always be a special place in our hearts for the intimate experience of curling up with a good book and losing ourselves in the story as readers.
  • As a literary critic, it's important to consider the perspective of the reader when analyzing a novel.
  • As a part-time librarian, I often recommend books to readers based on their interests and reading preferences.
  • As a voracious reader, I find it hard to resist the urge to buy every book that catches my eye.
  • Despite the rise of digital media, there's still something special about turning the pages of a physical book that many avid readers can appreciate.
  • The writer's prose is so compelling that it has the power to fully immerse the reader in their fictional world.
  • The editor commended the author for their ability to seamlessly transition between complex ideas, making it easier for the reader to follow their train of thought.
  • As an avid reader, I find that a good book can transport me to another world.
  • The author's writing style was so immersive that it was as if the reader was right there, experiencing the story alongside the characters.
  • The discerning reader will appreciate the complex themes and multi-dimensional characters in this novel.
  • Many newspapers are struggling to stay afloat as more and more readers are turning to online sources for their news.
  • To write a compelling piece, it is essential to understand the perspective of the reader, and what drives their engagement.
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