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Relief Definition & Meaning

1. Relief refers to the feeling of comfort or ease that comes after a period of discomfort or distress.

Example: After taking pain medication, she felt a sense of relief from her headache.

2. Relief can also refer to the removal or reduction of a burden or problem.

Example: The cancellation of the meeting was a relief for the overworked employees.

3. Relief is a term used in art and sculpture to describe a three-dimensional image or design that stands out from a flat surface.

Example: The intricate relief carving on the ancient temple walls was breathtaking.

4. Relief can also refer to a form of aid or assistance provided to those in need, such as disaster relief or financial relief.

Example: The government provided relief funds to the victims of the natural disaster.

5. Relief can be used to describe a change in elevation or topography, such as a mountain range or valley.

Example: The relief map showed the varying elevations of the terrain.

Examples of the word relief used in sentences.

  • I feel relief after finishing my homework.
  • The rain brought relief to the dry fields.
  • I let out a sigh of relief after finding my lost keys.
  • After taking medicine, I experienced relief from my headache.
  • The kind words of my friend brought relief to my stressful day.
  • I finally found my lost keys, and it was such a relief not to have to replace them.
  • The rain brought some relief to the dry, parched land.
  • I took a painkiller, and it provided some relief for my throbbing headache.
  • After finishing my exams, I felt a huge sense of relief.
  • The aid package provided some relief to the struggling families after the natural disaster.
  • The news of a successful surgery brought immense relief to the patient's family.
  • The cooling breeze brought relief to the hikers on the hot and humid trail.
  • The charity's donation provided some relief to the struggling community during the pandemic.
  • After weeks of studying, passing the exam was a huge relief for the student.
  • I finally received relief from my chronic headaches after taking prescription medication.
  • The doctor's assurance that the test results were negative provided a great sense of relief for the worried patient.
  • The sound of rain tapping against the windowpane was a welcome relief after the scorching heat of the day.
  • The government's decision to provide aid to the affected families brought some much-needed relief in the aftermath of the natural disaster.
  • After months of financial struggle, the approval of the loan brought a sense of overwhelming relief.
  • The application of the ointment brought immediate relief to the burning sensation on his skin caused by the allergic reaction.
  • After weeks of stress and anxiety, the news of her promotion brought her immense relief.
  • The surgery was a success, and the patient's family breathed a sigh of relief knowing that their loved one was going to be okay.
  • The expression on his face revealed a sense of relief when he found out that his lost wallet had been found and returned.
  • The cool breeze blowing across the lake provided some relief from the scorching heat of the sun.
  • The earthquake victims were grateful for the relief supplies that arrived just in time to alleviate their suffering.
  • The relief on the faces of the local residents was evident as the firefighters finally put out the raging wildfire.
  • After hours of intense discussion, the team felt relief when they finally reached a consensus.
  • The successful completion of the project was a huge relief to the hardworking team, who had devoted long hours to it.
  • The painkiller provided instant relief for the throbbing headache that had been bothering her all morning.
  • The cool breeze brought a sense of relief to the sweltering crowd gathered at the outdoor concert.
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