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Religious Definition & Meaning

1. Relating to or concerned with religion: this refers to anything that has to do with a particular faith or belief system.

Example: She is a devout christian and attends religious services every sunday.

2. Devoted to religious beliefs or practices: this refers to a person who is deeply committed to their faith and follows its teachings closely.

Example: The monk lived a religious life, spending most of his time in prayer and meditation.

3. Marked by a deep sense of morality and ethics: this refers to a person or community that places a high value on ethical behavior and moral principles.

Example: The religious community was known for its commitment to social justice and helping those in need.

4. Having a strong belief in a higher power or spiritual force: this refers to a person who believes in the existence of a higher power or spiritual force that guides their life.

Example: The shaman had a deep religious connection to the natural world and believed in the power of the spirits.

5. Characterized by ritual or ceremony: this refers to a practice or tradition that involves a set of established rituals or ceremonies.

Example: The religious festival was a colorful and lively celebration that lasted for several days.

Examples of the word religious used in sentences.

  • The religious holiday of Easter is celebrated in many parts of the world.
  • Many religious traditions have strict rules about what types of clothing are appropriate to wear.
  • He wears a religious symbol around his neck to show his faith.
  • My family and I go to church every Sunday for religious reasons.
  • Some people choose to follow a strict religious diet for health reasons.
  • In many cultures, religious traditions are passed down from generation to generation.
  • Some people wear religious symbols like crosses or hijabs to represent their faith.
  • Some religious practices involve fasting or abstaining from certain foods or activities.
  • I respect all religious beliefs and believe in the freedom of religion.
  • My family is very religious, we go to church every Sunday.
  • Religious beliefs vary greatly across different cultures and countries.
  • The conflict between religious groups in the region has been ongoing for decades.
  • The new museum exhibit features historical artifacts from various religious traditions.
  • Despite being raised in a secular household, she became interested in exploring different religious practices and beliefs.
  • The religious ceremony was a beautiful display of tradition and reverence.
  • Although we come from different religious backgrounds, we share a common faith in the sanctity of human life.
  • Our society is becoming increasingly secular, with fewer people identifying as religious than ever before.
  • My grandmother was a deeply religious woman who spent hours every day in prayer and meditation.
  • The religious symbols adorning the walls of the ancient temple were a testament to the unwavering devotion of its followers.
  • Despite the controversy surrounding the issue, the government has decided to allow religious head coverings in public institutions.
  • The religious art and architecture of ancient civilizations are a testament to their devotion and creativity.
  • The religious traditions of my ancestors have been passed down through generations, and I feel proud to keep them alive.
  • Despite being a non-religious person, I have always been intrigued by the intricate details of different religious beliefs.
  • Many people find solace in practicing their religious rituals, especially during tough times when hope and faith are needed the most.
  • The differences in religious interpretations often lead to conflicts, but it is crucial to respect each other's beliefs to maintain harmony in society.
  • His religious convictions forbid him from eating meat, so he opted for a vegetarian diet.
  • The religious leader delivered a powerful sermon that left the congregation in awe.
  • Despite being non-religious, she respects and accepts the customs and beliefs of different religions.
  • She felt a strong sense of inner peace and spirituality during her religious retreat in the mountains.
  • In some parts of the world, religious persecution continues to be an ongoing issue that affects millions of people.
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