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Right Definition & Meaning

1. Moral or legal entitlement to something: the right to free speech is protected by the first amendment.


2. Direction or position opposite to left: turn right at the next intersection.


3. Correct or accurate: you got the answer right on the test.


4. Permission or authority: do you have the right to enter this building?


5. Something that is just or fair: it's not right to treat someone unfairly based on their race.


Examples of the word right used in sentences.

  • Right now, I am studying English grammar.
  • My house is right next to the park.
  • Right, please turn left at the next intersection.
  • You have the right to remain silent if you are arrested.
  • I think you're right about the answer to the question.
  • The teacher gave me a gold star for getting all the answers right.
  • It's not right to judge someone without knowing their story.
  • You are right, I should have listened to your advice.
  • I have the right to express my opinion.
  • Turn right at the corner and you will find the restaurant.
  • I think you're absolutely right about the best way to solve this problem.
  • You're right, it's much too expensive to buy a new car right now.
  • The right thing to do would be to apologize for your mistake.
  • I don't think it's right to judge someone based on their appearance or background.
  • In my opinion, everyone has the right to express their own beliefs and opinions.
  • Could you please turn right at the next intersection and head towards the shopping mall?
  • As citizens, we all have the right to freedom of speech and expression.
  • My gut feeling tells me that he is the right candidate for the job.
  • The new policy seems like the right solution to the company's financial problems.
  • It's not always easy to do the right thing, but it's important to try.
  • It's the right thing to do to apologize when we're in the wrong, even if it's difficult.
  • Right off the bat, I could tell that he was a seasoned professional in his field.
  • If we don't make the right decision now, it could have serious consequences down the line.
  • I'm sorry, I don't think I caught that right. Could you please repeat it again?
  • While it's important to stand up for what we believe is right, we should also be open to listening to other opinions.
  • Righteousness demands that we always do the right thing, even when no one is watching.
  • The right to free speech is one of the cornerstones of a democratic society.
  • She's always right about the best way to achieve success, so we should listen to her advice.
  • The right attitude can make all the difference in overcoming difficult challenges in life.
  • When we understand our rights and responsibilities as members of society, we can work together to create a world that is fair and just for everyone.
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