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Rush Definition & Meaning

1. To move quickly and with urgency.

Example: I need to rush to catch my flight.

2. A sudden surge of intense emotion or excitement.

Example: I felt a rush of adrenaline when i jumped out of the plane.

3. A period of busy activity or demand.

Example: The holiday season is always a rush for retail workers.

4. To prioritize or give special attention to something.

Example: Let's rush this project so we can meet the deadline.

5. A plant used for making baskets or mats.

Example: The indigenous people of this region use rushes to make traditional crafts.

Examples of the word rush used in sentences.

  • Can you please rush to finish your homework before your friends come over to play?
  • Don't rush to make a decision, take your time to think about it.
  • I always rush to complete my work on time.
  • I need to rush to catch the bus to school.
  • We have to rush to prepare dinner before our guests arrive.
  • Yesterday, I was in a rush to catch the train but missed it anyway.
  • Don't rush while driving on the highway, it can be dangerous.
  • She felt a rush of excitement when she received the job offer.
  • I'm sorry for rushing you, but we're already late for the meeting.
  • I always rush to finish my homework before the deadline.
  • Don't rush through your work, take your time and do it properly.
  • I had to rush to the airport to catch my flight.
  • We cannot rush into this decision, we need to carefully consider all our options first.
  • I always rush to finish my assignments just before their deadline.
  • The doctor said I should rush to the hospital if I experience any chest pains.
  • The bride and groom were in a rush to get married before the pandemic lockdown.
  • I need to rush to catch the train.
  • My boss asked me to rush the report before the deadline.
  • I had to rush my dog to the vet because he was vomiting.
  • I always feel a rush of adrenaline when I go skydiving.
  • When I'm nervous, I tend to rush through my words and end up making more mistakes.
  • In the midst of the morning rush, I always make sure to grab a cup of coffee for a little extra energy.
  • I had to rush to catch the last train home after the concert, but it was definitely worth it.
  • My boss always seems to be in a rush, but she still manages to get everything done with precision and efficiency.
  • Despite the rush hour traffic, I managed to make it to my appointment on time.
  • The chef had to rush to finish the meal before the guests arrived.
  • She didn't want to rush into buying a house without careful consideration.
  • Despite the rush hour traffic, she arrived at the meeting on time.
  • He felt a sudden rush of adrenaline as he prepared to jump out of the airplane.
  • The students had to rush to complete their final project before the deadline.
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