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Same Definition & Meaning

1. Identical or not different from something or someone else.

Example: "the two dresses are the same color."

2. Referring to a person or thing previously mentioned or understood.

Example: "i saw the same movie last week."

3. Unchanged or consistent over time.

Example: "her routine is always the same."

4. Similar or equivalent in nature or quality.

Example: "the two books are of the same genre."

5. Used to indicate agreement or confirmation.

Example: "i feel the same way about the situation."

Examples of the word same used in sentences.

  • Tom and Barry have the same job, they are both teachers.
  • My phone and my friend's phone are the same brand.
  • My sister has the same birthday as me.
  • The twins always wear the same clothes to school.
  • We both ordered the same pizza toppings.
  • My friend and I have the same interests, we both enjoy hiking and skiing.
  • The dress she is wearing is the same as the one I saw in the store.
  • Yesterday's exam was the same difficulty as last week's.
  • My brother and I have the same taste in music.
  • The restaurant has the same menu as it did last year, I hope they add some new dishes.
  • The restaurant offers the same menu for lunch and dinner.
  • The two cities share the same climate, but their cultures are different.
  • Mary and her sister have the same taste in music.
  • John and his boss have the same opinion on the importance of deadlines.
  • We live in the same neighborhood, so we often run into each other at the grocery store.
  • It's amazing how two people can experience the same event and have such completely different reactions.
  • Despite our different backgrounds, we both share the same passion for music.
  • The company's profits this quarter are the same as they were last year.
  • The recipe calls for the same ingredients as the one I used last week, so I already have everything I need.
  • My sister and I have the same taste in movies, so it's always easy to agree on what to watch.
  • Hiking in the same trail we took last year gave me a sense of familiarity and comfort.
  • The company's CEO and I are in the same boat; we both want the business to grow and succeed.
  • The dress you're wearing is the same as the one I saw in the store yesterday.
  • The outcome of the experiments was always the same, regardless of the various conditions tested.
  • Although we grew up in different cultures, we share the same values and beliefs.
  • The novel's protagonist struggled to find meaning and purpose in her life, until she realized that she was not so different from others and wanted the same things as everybody else.
  • The company's CEO emphasized the importance of treating all employees with the same respect and dignity.
  • After years of living apart, the two siblings reunited and discovered that they still had the same inside jokes and shared memories from their childhood.
  • Despite their different backgrounds and cultures, the students in the class shared a same passion for learning.
  • The restaurant served the same high-quality dishes for lunch and dinner, making it a popular spot for foodies.
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