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Similarly Definition & Meaning

1. In a similar manner or way.

Example: Similarly, we can approach this problem by breaking it down into smaller parts.

2. In a comparable or analogous way.

Example: The two paintings are similarly composed, with similar use of color and brushstrokes.

3. In a corresponding or equivalent way.

Example: Similarly, the increase in sales was matched by an increase in production.

4. In a related or connected way.

Example: The two concepts are similarly related, as they both deal with the idea of time.

5. In a uniform or consistent way.

Example: The company's policies are similarly applied to all employees, regardless of their position or seniority.

Examples of the word similarly used in sentences.

  • My cat loves to play with string; similarly, my neighbor’s cat enjoys playing with toy mice.
  • I like to drink coffee in the morning; similarly, my sister prefers tea.
  • Tom enjoys listening to rock music; similarly, his friend prefers heavy metal.
  • I always wear a coat in the winter; similarly, my best friend does too.
  • I study French in the morning; similarly, my brother studies Spanish in the afternoon.
  • I find studying at night more productive, and similarly, some of my classmates also prefer late-night study sessions.
  • My brother is sporty and plays basketball, and similarly, I enjoy being active by going for runs.
  • My favourite holiday destination is the beach, and similarly, my best friend loves to go on mountain hikes.
  • This restaurant is known for its delicious pasta dishes, and similarly, their pizza is also amazing.
  • I don't like spicy food, and similarly, I'm not a fan of extremely sweet treats.
  • Similarly to my brother, I'm also interested in technology and new gadgets.
  • After a long day at work, I like to unwind by reading a book, and similarly, my partner likes to watch movies.
  • Just as some people prefer to work alone, similarly, others flourish in a team environment.
  • The hotel's restaurant was closed, but similarly to other guests, we were able to find plenty of great dining options nearby.
  • In the same way that exercise helps to keep the body healthy, spending time outdoors similarly benefits one's mental well-being.
  • The author's style in this book is similarly engaging as in their previous work.
  • Just like the previous project, this one requires a similar level of attention to detail and careful planning.
  • Compared to the other cities in the region, this one has a similar climate and landscape.
  • Similarly to other European countries, Italy has seen a rise in tourism in recent years.
  • Similarly, the company's sales figures have been consistently increasing for the past five years.
  • Similarly, historical events often repeat themselves when we fail to learn from our past mistakes.
  • Similarly, the economic downturn affected both small and big businesses alike, leading to widespread job losses.
  • In science, plants and animals share similarly complex systems of photosynthesis and respiration to generate energy.
  • The way we respond to difficult situations can vary greatly, but similarly, it can reveal a lot about our character and temperament.
  • Just as social media can be a powerful tool for connecting with others, it can similarly be a source of mental exhaustion and burnout.
  • The principle behind meditation is not to empty the mind but to cultivate greater awareness – similarly, mindfulness practices cultivate a state of focused attentiveness.
  • The human body is a complex network of interconnected systems – similarly, the intricate mechanisms at play in modern technology require a deep understanding of multiple disciplines.
  • Just as a great athlete trains and hones their skills, similarly, a successful entrepreneur must continually learn and adapt to new business trends.
  • Similarly, as a genre of literature, science fiction has the power to inspire and provoke, encouraging people to consider new possibilities for the future.
  • Similarly, as the company expands its market presence globally, its focus on sustainable development remains unwavering.
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