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Skilled Definition & Meaning

1. Having a high level of ability or expertise in a particular task or activity.

Example: The skilled carpenter built a beautiful bookshelf from scratch.

2. Possessing advanced knowledge or proficiency in a specific field or profession.

Example: The skilled surgeon successfully performed a complex heart surgery.

3. Demonstrating precision and accuracy in performing a task or activity.

Example: The skilled archer hit the bullseye with every shot.

4. Showing proficiency in using tools or equipment to complete a task.

Example: The skilled mechanic fixed the car's engine in no time.

5. Displaying creativity and innovation in problem-solving or decision-making.

Example: The skilled entrepreneur developed a unique business model that revolutionized the industry.

Examples of the word skilled used in sentences.

  • The doctor is highly skilled and can perform delicate surgeries with ease.
  • Maria is skilled in sewing and can design beautiful dresses.
  • John is a skilled baker; he makes the most delicious cakes.
  • The carpenter is highly skilled and can create a wooden masterpiece.
  • My brother is skilled in playing the guitar and can play different genres of music.
  • The company hired a skilled programmer to develop their new software.
  • As a skilled chef, John can cook up a delicious meal that will leave you wanting more.
  • Being a skilled swimmer, Kelly won the race effortlessly.
  • The construction crew needs skilled workers to complete the building project on time.
  • Mary is a skilled gardener who can grow anything from fruits to vegetables.
  • The construction team was comprised of highly skilled workers.
  • The musician was so skilled that she could play any instrument.
  • The skilled chef prepared an exquisite meal for the guests.
  • The athlete's skilled movements on the court impressed everyone watching.
  • The graphic designer was highly skilled in creating visually appealing content.
  • The programmer was a highly skilled professional, able to resolve complex technical issues and provide effective solutions.
  • The surgeon was highly skilled in his field, and the patient felt confident in his ability to perform the operation.
  • The mechanic displayed his skilled expertise in fixing the engine, which saved the car owner a lot of money.
  • The artist's skilled brushstrokes conveyed the depth and emotion of the portrait he was painting.
  • The chef's culinary skills were evident in the mouth-watering dishes she prepared for the guests.
  • As a skilled communicator, she easily navigates complex situations with ease.
  • My friend is a skilled accountant who has helped me to better manage my finances.
  • The team of skilled engineers worked tirelessly to solve the complex problem, and their hard work paid off in the end.
  • The skilled chef created a culinary masterpiece that left everyone at the table speechless.
  • In order to be successful in his profession, he had to become skilled at multi-tasking and organization.
  • Mark's skilled negotiation tactics helped him close the deal with the client.
  • The athlete's skilled maneuvers on the field left the opposing team in awe.
  • The skilled surgeon was able to perform the delicate operation with ease and precision.
  • As a skilled chef, she was able to create a gourmet meal using only a few basic ingredients.
  • The artist's skilled handiwork was evident in the intricate details of the sculpture.
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