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Smart Definition & Meaning

1. Intelligent or clever: having the ability to think and learn quickly.

Example: She is a smart student who always gets good grades.

2. Stylish or fashionable: having a good sense of fashion or design.

Example: She always looks smart in her business attire.

3. Quick-witted or sharp: having the ability to think and respond quickly.

Example: He gave a smart response to the interviewer's question.

4. Resourceful or efficient: having the ability to solve problems or complete tasks in a clever way.

Example: She came up with a smart solution to the company's budget problem.

5. Automated or technologically advanced: having the ability to operate or function using technology.

Example: The smart home system controls the temperature, lighting, and security of the house.

Examples of the word smart used in sentences.

  • My boss gave me a smart idea on how to finish the project faster.
  • The teacher said that it's important to study smart, not just hard.
  • This new phone is very smart, it can do almost everything for you.
  • It's smart to wear a jacket when it's cold outside.
  • My little sister is very smart; she can count up to 20 already.
  • Can you recommend a smart device for tracking my fitness goals?
  • He gave a smart answer to the tricky question during the interview.
  • She is a smart student who always gets good grades.
  • The new car has a lot of smart features, like automatic parking assist.
  • We need to come up with a smart solution to reduce our energy consumption.
  • He's always been a smart investor, his portfolio has consistently performed well over the years.
  • This smartwatch is incredibly useful, it tracks my steps and reminds me to drink water.
  • She's a smart student, she always gets excellent grades on her exams.
  • The smart assistant on my phone helps me organize my schedule and reminders.
  • I always carry a smart briefcase to my meetings, it makes me look more professional.
  • As a smart business owner, he regularly performs market research to stay ahead of his competition.
  • She received a smart watch as a birthday gift, which helps her to track her fitness goals.
  • The smart decision to hire a professional cleaning service saved her time and energy in maintaining a clean home.
  • The smart investment strategy he implemented helped him to achieve financial stability in retirement.
  • The smart technology installed in his home allows him to control the lighting and temperature with just a voice command.
  • It's important to surround yourself with smart and supportive people who encourage you to grow and achieve your goals.
  • Being a smart investor requires a thorough understanding of market trends and financial analysis.
  • Smart technology is transforming the way we live and work, from smart homes to smart cities.
  • A smart approach to time management can help you balance your work and personal life more effectively.
  • Hiring a smart and skilled team is crucial for the success of any business, especially in today's competitive market.
  • In today's highly competitive job market, having a smart and well-crafted resume is crucial for securing a good position.
  • The smart use of technology has revolutionized the healthcare industry and has made medical treatments more accessible than ever before.
  • By providing smart solutions to urbanization challenges, city planners can improve the quality of life for millions of people living in crowded cities.
  • Her sharp observation and smart intuition allowed her to identify the potential risks in the investment plan.
  • Despite being unconventional, his smart approach to problem-solving has earned him numerous accolades in the industry.
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