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Smile Definition & Meaning

1. A facial expression that indicates happiness or amusement. example sentence: she couldn't help but smile when she saw the puppy wagging its tail.


2. To express pleasure or amusement by smiling. example sentence: he smiled politely when he was introduced to his new boss.


3. A positive or friendly attitude conveyed through a smile. example sentence: her warm smile put everyone at ease in the room.


4. To show approval or agreement with a smile. example sentence: the teacher smiled and nodded when the student gave the correct answer.


5. To force a smile even when feeling unhappy or uncomfortable. example sentence: she plastered a fake smile on her face to hide her disappointment.


Examples of the word smile used in sentences.

  • I always feel better when I see a smile on someone's face.
  • He couldn't help but smile at the funny joke.
  • The teacher smiled at the students as they walked into the classroom.
  • The baby smiled when her mother played with her.
  • She always smiles when she sees her friends.
  • The teacher smiled at the student for answering the difficult question correctly.
  • She always smiles at me when we pass each other in the hallway.
  • The baby smiled for the first time today, it was adorable!
  • It's a beautiful day outside, make sure to smile and enjoy it.
  • Despite everything that happened, she managed to smile and stay positive.
  • My grandmother always tells me to wear a smile, even when things get tough, because it helps us stay positive and hopeful.
  • Even though I was feeling nervous during the job interview, I tried my best to maintain a confident smile on my face.
  • Seeing my baby's toothless smile for the first time was one of the happiest moments of my life.
  • Whenever I see my best friend, she greets me with a warm smile that instantly brightens up my day.
  • While scrolling through my photo album, I couldn't help but smile at the happy memories of my childhood.
  • The elderly couple smiled contentedly as they enjoyed a peaceful afternoon in the park.
  • Despite feeling nervous, she managed to smile confidently during her job interview.
  • He couldn't help but smile at the sight of his playful puppy wagging its tail.
  • The children's faces lit up with a smile as they saw the colorful birthday cake.
  • I couldn't help but smile when I saw my friend's reaction to the surprise party we planned for her.
  • Despite the chaos and stress of everyday life, a genuine smile can sometimes make all the difference in the world.
  • In that small village, it didn't matter that we couldn't speak the same language, as the locals greeted us with welcoming smiles and open arms.
  • As a professional actor, he was able to flash a smile on command, but it was always his eyes that conveyed the real emotion behind it.
  • The warmth of her smile showed that she was genuinely happy to see me after such a long time apart.
  • It was her contagious smile that drew me to her, but it was her sense of humor and intelligence that made me fall in love with her.
  • Walking along the beach, the sound of the waves and the warmth of the sun on her face gave her an uncontrollable smile of contentment.
  • Although it had been years since they last saw each other, their smiles told the story of a lasting friendship that could never fade.
  • As she walked down the aisle in her beautiful wedding dress, she couldn't help but smile at the sight of her loved ones beaming with joy.
  • Despite the challenges he faced in his career, he always wore a smile on his face as a sign of resilience and positivity.
  • The young child's innocent smile brought a sense of happiness to the room, reminding everyone of the beauty of life.
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