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Space Definition & Meaning

1. Space refers to the physical area or expanse that surrounds us.

Example: The astronauts were amazed by the vastness of space.

2. Space can also mean the gap or distance between two objects or points.

Example: There was not enough space between the two cars, causing a collision.

3. In science, space is the vacuum that exists beyond the earth's atmosphere, where celestial bodies like stars and planets exist.

Example: The hubble telescope is used to observe objects in space.

4. Space can refer to an empty or unoccupied area within a building or room.

Example: We need to make more space in the closet for our winter clothes.

5. In art and design, space refers to the area around, between, and within objects.

Example: The artist used negative space to create a sense of balance in the painting.

Examples of the word space used in sentences.

  • The rocket ship will travel to outer space.
  • I need more space in my closet for my clothes.
  • Could you please make some space for me to sit next to you?
  • The moon is a beautiful place in space.
  • I love to stargaze and admire the beautiful space.
  • The astronauts in the International Space Station are conducting experiments.
  • I like to have space in my schedule to relax and unwind.
  • The teacher asked the students to draw planets and stars on the space-themed worksheet.
  • There are several space-themed movies that I want to watch this weekend.
  • There's not enough space in my bedroom for a new wardrobe.
  • I need more space in my apartment to fit all my furniture.
  • As an astronaut, I would love to explore outer space and discover new planets.
  • The new shopping mall has a lot of open space, making it feel less crowded.
  • Can you please give me some space to think before I make a decision?
  • The lack of personal space on public transportation can be quite uncomfortable during rush hour.
  • In order to maintain a healthy work-life balance, it's important to give yourself space to pursue hobbies and interests outside of work.
  • The recent explosion of private space travel companies has sparked a renewed interest in space exploration and colonization.
  • The astronauts on the International Space Station must learn to adapt to living in a completely zero-gravity environment.
  • As I was walking through the museum, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the amount of space that the exhibits took up.
  • Living in a crowded city like Tokyo, I often find myself craving some space to breathe and relax.
  • With the invention of commercial space travel, the possibility of humans becoming a multi-planetary species is slowly becoming a reality.
  • An important aspect of interior design is utilizing the available space effectively to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing living area.
  • The lack of personal space in crowded cities can lead to tension and stress among residents, highlighting the need for green spaces and public parks.
  • Working in a cramped office space can make it difficult to focus on tasks at hand, leading to decreased productivity.
  • As an astrophysicist, I often contemplate the vastness of space and the unknown wonders it holds within.
  • The modern office space has become more flexible, with hot desking and remote working options becoming increasingly popular.
  • When I look at the stars at night, it fills me with a sense of wonder and reminds me of the infinite possibilities that exist in space.
  • As an astronaut, I was able to experience the vastness of space and the beauty of the universe.
  • The government is investing billions of dollars into space exploration, with the hopes of discovering new planets and even alien life forms.
  • With the proliferation of technology, there is now a greater concern for the protection of personal space and privacy in the digital realm.
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