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String Definition & Meaning

1. A thin piece of cord or thread made of various materials, used for tying or binding things together.

Example: She tied the package with a string.

2. A series of characters or symbols used as data or text in computer programming.

Example: The program requires the user to input a string of text.

3. A musical instrument that produces sound by vibrating strings, such as a guitar or violin.

Example: He played a beautiful melody on his stringed instrument.

4. A group of objects arranged in a line or sequence.

Example: The beads were strung together on a string to make a necklace.

5. A set of rules or conditions that must be met for something to be considered valid or acceptable.

Example: The contract had several strings attached that made it difficult to agree to.

Examples of the word string used in sentences.

  • There is a string of lights outside my window.
  • I bought a new guitar string for my instrument.
  • He used a string to measure the length of the room.
  • This dress needs to be cinched at the waist with a string.
  • Can you tie a knot in this string, please?
  • She used a string of lights to decorate her garden for the party.
  • Can you please help me thread the needle with this string?
  • My guitar needs a new set of strings to sound better.
  • I like to wear a string bracelet as a reminder of my trip to the beach.
  • I need a string to tie this package together.
  • I bought a new guitar string to replace the old one that broke.
  • Can you tie this gift box with a pretty string?
  • My favorite necklace contains a string of pearls that my grandmother gave me.
  • The tennis racket's string snapped in the middle of the match, causing me to forfeit.
  • She strung together a series of impressive accomplishments to make a strong case for the promotion.
  • The detective carefully analyzed the motive behind the string of burglaries in the neighborhood.
  • The guitar was missing a string, which made it impossible to play properly.
  • The chef used a string of sausages to add a festive touch to the holiday feast.
  • After finishing the puzzle, I carefully placed the string of beads around my wrist.
  • We tied a string to the balloon to prevent it from floating away into the sky.
  • The programmer spent hours debugging the complex code, carefully checking each string of commands until the software finally worked flawlessly.
  • He couldn't resist the temptation to play with the string of his hoodie, nervously twirling and fidgeting with it as he awaited his turn to speak.
  • As a professional musician, she knew how to expertly pluck each string of her guitar, producing a harmonious tune that left audiences captivated.
  • The intricate string of lies he told ultimately led to his downfall, as the truth always manages to catch up with those who deceive.
  • For her grandmother's 90th birthday, she carefully strung together a beautiful necklace of pearls, each string carefully interwoven to create a timeless piece of jewelry.
  • The talented seamstress effortlessly sewed a string of pearls onto the hemline of the wedding dress.
  • As a professional guitarist, I always make sure to use high-quality strings to ensure my sound is at its best.
  • The computer programmer spent hours debugging the complex code, carefully examining each string of commands.
  • The elderly woman looked up from her knitting and smiled, pleased to have just finished another row of colorful yarn strings.
  • The chemist hypothesized that the unknown compound was a string of amino acids, which would provide important clues about its function in the body.
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