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Summary Definition & Meaning

1. A brief statement or account of the main points of something.

Example: The summary of the book gave me a good idea of what it was about.

2. A shortened version of a longer piece of writing or speech.

Example: The news anchor gave a summary of the day's events in just a few minutes.

3. A concise overview of a topic or subject.

Example: The teacher provided a summary of the lesson before moving on to the next topic.

4. A synopsis or abstract of a report or document.

Example: The executive summary of the business plan outlined the key points and goals.

5. A summing up or conclusion of a discussion or argument.

Example: The summary of the debate was that both sides had valid points, but a decision had to be made.

Examples of the word summary used in sentences.

  • The teacher asked the student to write a summary of the article they read.
  • Can you give me a summary of what happened during the meeting?
  • He wrote a summary of the book for his English class.
  • I read the summary of the movie online before deciding to watch it.
  • The news anchor gave a summary of the day's top stories.
  • The book included a chapter summary at the end of each section.
  • I always write a brief summary of my lecture notes after class.
  • The movie summary on the back of the DVD was not very accurate.
  • The summary of the new product features was presented at the company meeting.
  • Can you give me a summary of the article you read yesterday?
  • During the meeting, we went over a quick summary of the project's progress to make sure everyone was on the same page.
  • After reading a lengthy article on climate change, I wrote a brief summary for my classmates to help them understand the key points.
  • To prepare for the exam, I created a concise summary of the textbook chapters we studied.
  • The book jacket provided a tantalizing summary of the plot, which made me eager to start reading.
  • When applying for jobs, it's important to include a clear summary of your skills and experience in your resume.
  • The summary of the meeting highlighted the main takeaways and action items that needed to be addressed.
  • The teacher asked us to write a one-page summary of the article we had read for homework.
  • The executive summary of the report provided a concise overview of the financial performance of the company.
  • After reading the 400-page book on climate change, a brief summary was all that was needed for the presentation.
  • In the conclusion of the research paper, a summary of the key findings and implications for future studies was presented.
  • The summary of the book was so captivating that I immediately purchased a copy to read the entire work.
  • After reading the lengthy report, I realized that the executive summary provided enough information to understand the main points.
  • In conclusion, the summary of the article highlights the importance of teamwork and effective communication in the workplace.
  • I often find myself skimming through the summary of research papers to determine if they are relevant to my field of study.
  • It's always wise to provide a summary of your presentation before delving into the details.
  • The executive committee requested a summary of the current financial status in order to make informed decisions.
  • Following the intense negotiations, the mediator presented a summary of the agreed-upon terms to the parties involved.
  • The author's book was praised for its succinct and compelling summary of the historical events leading up to the revolution.
  • After delving into the complex psychological theories, the professor provided a summary of the main concepts for the class.
  • In order to prepare for the debate, the students were instructed to write a summary of their research on the topic.
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