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Suspicion Definition & Meaning

1. A feeling or belief that someone is guilty of wrongdoing or deceit.

Example: I have a suspicion that my coworker is stealing from the company.

2. A state of being unsure or uncertain about something.

Example: I have a suspicion that the weather will be bad tomorrow, but i'm not sure.

3. A mistrust or lack of confidence in someone or something.

Example: I have a suspicion that the new restaurant in town isn't very good, based on the reviews i've read.

4. A hint or suggestion that something is not as it seems.

Example: There was a suspicion of foul play when the missing person's car was found abandoned.

5. A cautious or guarded attitude towards someone or something.

Example: The company had a suspicion of fraud and conducted an investigation into their financial records.

Examples of the word suspicion used in sentences.

  • The police were acting on suspicion that the man was involved in the robbery.
  • Her sudden absence filled me with suspicion that something was wrong.
  • Despite having no evidence, Sarah had a suspicion that her husband was cheating on her.
  • I have a suspicion that it will rain today.
  • The way he looked at me raised my suspicion that he was lying.
  • The police had a suspicion that the suspect was hiding in the abandoned building.
  • I have a suspicion that my boss is planning to fire me because of my performance.
  • The teacher had a suspicion that the student was cheating on the test.
  • I have a suspicion that my neighbor is stealing my newspaper every morning.
  • She had a suspicion that her friend was lying to her about the party.
  • The teacher had a suspicion that the students were cheating on the exam after seeing multiple papers with similar answers.
  • She had a suspicion that her boyfriend was cheating on her after seeing a text message from an unknown number.
  • He had a suspicion that the project would not be completed on time due to the lack of resources and time.
  • I had a suspicion that the food was expired after noticing a strange smell coming from the refrigerator.
  • The police had a suspicion that the suspect was lying after their story changed multiple times during questioning.
  • Her parents found it hard to trust her due to their suspicion of her past behavior.
  • The police officer had a suspicion that the suspect was hiding something.
  • Despite my suspicion of his intentions, I decided to give him another chance.
  • There was a suspicion that the company was involved in illegal activities.
  • She couldn't shake the suspicion that her colleague had stolen her ideas.
  • The police acted on suspicions that the suspect was involved in the crime, but they lacked concrete evidence.
  • The sudden disappearance of the valuable paintings raised suspicions that someone had stolen them.
  • Although there was no proof of wrongdoings, the rumors and suspicions continued to circulate around the company's management.
  • She couldn't help but feel a tinge of suspicion towards her new boss, who seemed too friendly and eager to please.
  • Despite his innocent appearance, there was a nagging suspicion that he was hiding something from us.
  • She couldn't shake off the suspicion that her neighbor was spying on her through the window.
  • After extensive investigation, the police confirmed their suspicion that the CEO had embezzled millions of dollars from the company.
  • Despite his charisma and convincing arguments, I couldn't help but feel a nagging suspicion that he was hiding something.
  • His erratic behavior and constant lies gave rise to the suspicion that he was struggling with addiction.
  • The sudden disappearance of the valuable artifact raised immediate suspicion among the curators at the museum.
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