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Thirsty Definition & Meaning

1. Feeling a strong desire or craving for something, usually a drink.

Example: After running a marathon, i was so thirsty that i drank an entire bottle of water in one gulp.

2. Desperate or eager for attention, affection, or validation from others.

Example: He constantly posts selfies on social media because he's thirsty for likes and comments.

3. Lacking moisture or water.

Example: The plants in the desert were wilted and thirsty due to the lack of rain.

4. Showing a strong sexual desire or interest.

Example: The man at the bar kept staring at me and making suggestive comments, making me feel uncomfortable with his thirsty behavior.

5. In need of something essential or necessary.

Example: The company was thirsty for new talent and decided to expand their recruitment efforts.

Examples of the word thirsty used in sentences.

  • He felt very thirsty after eating a lot of salty snacks.
  • The hot weather always makes me feel thirsty.
  • She drank three glasses of water because she was very thirsty.
  • I am thirsty after playing outside for hours.
  • My throat feels dry and I'm getting thirsty.
  • After playing outside for hours, I'm really thirsty and need a drink of water.
  • I forgot to bring a water bottle and now I'm thirsty during this long hike in the mountains.
  • The sun is blazing hot today, making me feel thirsty and in need of a refreshing drink.
  • My mouth is so dry and I feel thirsty after giving a long speech at the conference.
  • I always drink something before bed because I wake up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty.
  • When it's hot outside, I always feel thirsty and crave a cold drink.
  • My dog always gets thirsty after playing outside, so I make sure to keep a bowl of water handy for him.
  • John had been in the library for hours and was starting to feel thirsty, so he went to get a drink.
  • Maria's plants were looking quite thirsty, so she watered them all.
  • After a long hike in the mountains, I was very thirsty and drank a whole bottle of water.
  • The long meeting at work made me so thirsty that I had to leave and get a drink of water to hydrate myself.
  • I can't wait to get home and drink a cold glass of water; I'm so thirsty after my workout at the gym.
  • After eating a spicy meal, I always feel thirsty and need to drink something refreshing to cool down my mouth.
  • When traveling in a foreign country, it's important to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water, especially if you are in a warm climate and feeling thirsty often.
  • The desert sun was scorching hot, and the hikers were so thirsty that they drank from a small stream they found along the way.
  • After a long and grueling workout, I was incredibly thirsty and reached for my water bottle to quench my thirst.
  • Listening to a riveting lecture on astrophysics made me thirsty for knowledge and eager to learn more.
  • The drought in California made the farmers and residents alike incredibly thirsty for rain, praying for relief from the dry spell.
  • The intense and spicy flavors of the Mexican cuisine only made me more thirsty, so I ordered another margarita to wash it all down.
  • The hot and humid weather in Miami left me feeling constantly thirsty and I had to make sure to hydrate frequently.
  • After watching the intense basketball game, the crowd left feeling thirsty for more action and excitement on the court.
  • After hiking in the mountains for hours, I was so thirsty that even the water from the nearby stream tasted delicious.
  • Despite having a full glass of water, I felt thirsty again and again as my spicy dinner had left me parched.
  • The arid desert made me feel so thirsty that I had to ration my water carefully throughout the day to avoid dehydration.
  • As the speaker began to discuss the latest research findings, the audience grew thirsty for more knowledge on the subject.
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