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Unknown Definition & Meaning

1. Not known or familiar; unfamiliar or obscure.

Example: The identity of the unknown caller remains a mystery.

2. Not discovered or explored; uncharted.

Example: The team set out to explore the unknown depths of the ocean.

3. Not identified or named.

Example: The painting was signed by an unknown artist.

4. Not established or determined.

Example: The outcome of the election is still unknown.

5. Not communicated or understood.

Example: His motives for leaving the company are unknown.

Examples of the word unknown used in sentences.

  • I fear the path ahead may lead to unknown dangers.
  • My last visit to this city was many years ago, everything now seems unknown to me.
  • The identity of the mysterious caller remains unknown.
  • Some of the guests at the party were unknown to me, but I had a pleasant time mingling with them.
  • The treasure map led us to an unknown location in the forest where we dug up a small chest filled with gold coins.
  • I'm sorry, but the identity of the driver who hit your car is still unknown to us.
  • The story of the missing hiker has turned into a mysterious unknown case for the authorities.
  • The new restaurant in town is an unknown place for me to dine in, I have no idea what to expect.
  • The scientific community is still searching for answers to the unknown mysteries of the universe.
  • Reading books about unknown cultures and traditions is one of my favourite ways to learn and expand my knowledge.
  • The true intentions of the new employee are still unknown to us.
  • The outcome of the experiment was unknown until the results came in.
  • The identity of the mysterious caller remains unknown.
  • I feel uneasy around unknown foods.
  • The treasure was hidden in an unknown location.
  • Moving to a new city can be exciting, but the unknown can also be quite intimidating.
  • The team's strategy was to explore uncharted regions of the ocean, hoping to discover unknown species of marine life.
  • The quaint little bookstore in the corner had an extensive collection of unknown authors and rare titles.
  • Despite being a seasoned journalist, there are still many unknown aspects of the case that I'm investigating.
  • We're facing an unknown enemy in this pandemic, and we must take all necessary precautions to stay safe.
  • Driving on unfamiliar roads through an unknown neighborhood can be a daunting experience, even for experienced drivers.
  • The identity of the anonymous donor remains unknown, even after thorough investigation.
  • The cause of his sudden illness was initially unknown, but doctors were eventually able to determine the underlying condition.
  • The hiker ventured deep into the unknown wilderness, eager to explore the undiscovered natural beauty of the region.
  • Despite her extensive research, the author was unable to uncover any new information about the unknown artist.
  • The scientist's groundbreaking research led to the discovery of previously unknown properties of the element, opening up new possibilities for technological advancements.
  • The identity of the anonymous donor who made the generous contribution to the charity remains unknown, but their kindness is greatly appreciated.
  • The outcome of the negotiations with the foreign investors is still unknown, but we're hopeful for a positive result.
  • The origin of the mysterious artifact remains unknown, despite the best efforts of historians and archaeologists.
  • It's important to recognize the unknown factors and potential risks involved before making any major business decisions.
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