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Wash Definition & Meaning

1. To clean something using water and soap or detergent.

Example: I need to wash my clothes before i wear them again.

2. To remove dirt or stains from something.

Example: Can you wash the dishes after dinner?

3. To cleanse oneself or part of one's body using water and soap.

Example: I always wash my hands before eating.

4. To flow or pass over something, typically water.

Example: The waves washed over the rocks on the shore.

5. To make something less intense or severe.

Example: The rain helped wash away my worries.

Examples of the word wash used in sentences.

  • I wash my hands before eating.
  • She washes the dishes after dinner.
  • The rain will wash away the dirt on the streets.
  • He washes his car every Sunday.
  • We need to wash our clothes.
  • Could you please wash the clothes before placing them in the dryer?
  • My mother told me to wash the dishes after dinner.
  • I always wash my hands before eating.
  • Don't forget to wash your face before going to bed.
  • I need to wash my car before going on a road trip.
  • It's important to wash your hands frequently to avoid catching germs.
  • Can you wash the dishes while I clean the bathroom?
  • My mother always washes her vegetables before cooking them.
  • I love to wash my car on the weekends to keep it looking nice.
  • I need to wash my clothes before I go on vacation.
  • In order to prevent the spread of germs, it is important to regularly wash commonly touched surfaces like door handles and light switches.
  • The school has implemented a new policy where students must wash their own dishes after lunch to promote responsibility and teamwork.
  • I always make sure to wash my clothes on the delicate cycle to prevent any damage to the fabric.
  • After a long day at work, all I want to do is relax and wash away the stress in a hot bubble bath.
  • I can't believe you forgot to wash your hands before preparing food - that's just basic hygiene!
  • After a long day at work, I enjoy taking a relaxing shower to wash away the stress and worries of the day.
  • In order to avoid getting sick, it's important to wash your hands frequently throughout the day, especially before eating or touching your face.
  • The storm last night caused a lot of dirt and debris to accumulate on the roads, so the city is sending out street sweepers to wash them clean.
  • My white blouse got stained during lunch, so I'll need to wash it before I can wear it again.
  • It's not enough to just wash your face with soap and water - if you want to have healthy, glowing skin, you need to follow a proper skincare routine.
  • We need to wash our car before our road trip to ensure that it's free from any dust or grime that may affect its performance.
  • My mom always taught me to wash my fruits and vegetables before consuming them to remove any dirt or pesticides.
  • After a long day at work, I like to indulge in a relaxing bath and wash away all my stress.
  • The chef instructed us to wash our hands thoroughly before handling any food to ensure proper hygiene.
  • The storm caused a flood that washed away homes and buildings, leaving the entire town devastated.
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