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Witness Definition & Meaning

1. Witness - a person who sees or observes an event, often used in legal contexts.

Example: The witness testified in court about what they saw on the night of the crime.

2. Witness - to attest or affirm the truth of something, often in a formal or official capacity.

Example: The notary public witnessed the signing of the legal document.

3. Witness - to be present at an event or experience, often as a participant.

Example: I was lucky enough to witness the total solar eclipse last year.

4. Witness - to provide evidence or proof of something.

Example: The dna evidence was a crucial witness in the murder trial.

5. Witness - to bear witness to something, to share or communicate one's personal experience or perspective.

Example: As a survivor of the earthquake, i feel it is important to bear witness to the devastation and loss that occurred.

Examples of the word witness used in sentences.

  • The little girl was the only witness of the missing cat incident.
  • I was a witness to the accident on the street.
  • Did you witness the beautiful sunset last night?
  • Can you be my witness in court next week?
  • I am excited to witness my best friend's wedding next month.
  • The doctor's testimony was crucial as a witness in the court case against the accused.
  • She was the only witness to the crime that took place in the parking lot.
  • I was a witness to the car accident that happened on the main road.
  • He was very happy when his childhood friend agreed to be a witness at his wedding.
  • The tourist was lucky enough to witness the magnificent sunset over the ocean.
  • The survivor of the plane crash was the only witness to the events leading up to the accident.
  • As I was walking home, I witnessed a car accident at the intersection.
  • I'm sorry sir, but you cannot enter the crime scene unless you are a witness or a member of law enforcement.
  • We need a witness to sign this legal document to make it official.
  • The witness testified in court that she saw the defendant leaving the scene of the crime.
  • As a witness to the accident, I can testify that the driver was texting while driving.
  • We were fortunate to witness the magical sunset over the ocean during our vacation.
  • She was a witness to the robbery and helped the police identify the suspect.
  • The witness in the courtroom was visibly shaken when recounting the events of the night.
  • The historian's account of the battle was based on the eyewitness testimonies of soldiers who were there to witness it.
  • The old man was the only witness to the murder, and his testimony proved crucial in putting the culprit behind bars.
  • The expert witness called to the stand elucidated the technical aspects of the case, providing valuable insight into the matter at hand.
  • The eyewitnesses to the accident were interviewed by the police to gather as much information as possible about the incident.
  • Despite being a mere witness to the heated argument between his parents, the boy was traumatized by the experience and needed therapy to recover.
  • As a witness to the incredible natural beauty of the Grand Canyon, I felt blessed to have experienced it firsthand.
  • I had the privilege of being a witness to their wedding, and it was a beautiful ceremony.
  • The witness recalled seeing the suspect entering the building shortly before the crime was committed.
  • As a witness to the accident, I can assure you that the driver was not at fault.
  • The witness testimony provided crucial evidence that helped to convict the suspect.
  • To witness the sunrise from atop the mountain was an awe-inspiring experience that I will never forget.
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